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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Year 5 Sailing Trip
By Mila Srzich

Recently year 5 has been fortunate enough to go on a sailing trip. The whole of year 5 walked down past the bridge. We were very lucky that the first day we were all wearing sunscreen and hats because it was such a lovely sunny day.

We all participated in the following activities, sailing, kayaking, capsizing, raft building, parts of boats and a lovely tour in a boat around the harbor. We were lucky that the first day was sunny and warm but unfortunately it got a bit colder the second day as we only finished 2 of the activities due to the lighting and thunder.

We all started walking until we reached the Ponsonby Cruising club were we got changed and did some fun activities inside the building. Overall it was an incredible two days. Year 5 really made the most of this amazing experience.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Our first Thursday at Ponsonby Primary!

Today, Theo and I went to a cooking class which was amazing fun.We made sugar and cinnamon scrolls that were scrumptious. It was our first Thursday and I couldn’t believe my eyes. At our old school Thursday was a normal day with a lot of school work. It was a super, amazing, awesome, excellent and fun day.

By Reuben

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Room 20 Art Exhibition

Room 20 - Ponsonby Art Exhibition

This year we have been inspired by Sandra Silberzweig because she uses big bold colours for her magnificent fish.  Did you know that Sandra Silberzweig is from Canada? We emailed her and told her that her art work has inspired us for our art exhibition, she was so excited and wants us to email her pictures once they are finished!  Working with paint has been fun and has helped up develop our fine motor skills as well as mixing paints to make amazing colours.  We hope you enjoy our art work as much as we have enjoyed creating it!  Don't forget the art exhibition starts on Thursday 17th of August and runs until Saturday afternoon.  

By Seb and Jayden 

Here is a sneak peak of our masterpieces under construction

                 Evie and Lucie                                            Frankie and Jamie

                  Oscar, Finn and Chenelle                           Seb

                  Hamish                                                       Rudy

                 Jayden                                                          Catherine and Jack

                  Mila and Sybilla                                         Sam and Cash


Friday, June 23, 2017

#Hilary Stichbury
Written by Mila Srzich

Room 18, 19 and 20 have been very spoilt to have Mrs Stichbury (Seb’s mother) come to talk to us about her writing career. She writes feature articles in the newspaper and she came last Wednesday and spoke about her amazing writing and how we, as students, can become better writers.  

To write a feature article Hilary used an acronym to help us remember what we need, you need a L which stands for the Lead. The lead is supposed to grab people's interest and describe the most amazing thing about your story.

Then there is the N that stands for the nut Graf  that the story is about and the 5 Ws that are: who what when where and why.

Then the M that's means the main body which is  to have more detail and the climax.

Plus the E that stands for the ending. Maybe a last snappy sentence or return to subject or first sentence. You could use a quote.

We enjoyed having her here.

Thank you Hilary Stichbury!!!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Every Tuesday, Room 20 have been going to the library. We have been reading a book called 'Demon Dentist' by David Wallliams. A boy named Alfie has been hiding dental notes from his dad, and finally a dentist, Miss Root arrives at his school to see if any of the kids at have bad teeth. Alfie's teeth were wonky and brown from all the sweets and chocolates he has had.  His teeth were so bad that Miss Root wanted to see him.  Miss Root doesn't seem like your normal dentist so Alfie is determined to get away from her.  We can't wait to continue reading this amazing book.

By Seb and Jamie

L to R Hana, Jamie, Seb and Sybilla reading their library books

Jack is reading his book

Chenelle is focusing on her book

L to R Sam, Conan and Cash love reading in the library

Friday, March 3, 2017

What a fantastic day for swimming! Well done to everyone who remembers to bring their togs, cap and goggles each lesson!

Students are making great improvements.  It will be exciting to see everyone do their best at the school swimming carnival in week 8.  Keep up the great work room 20! 

Thursday, March 2, 2017


We need to raise $620 for one football net. 
PPS VERY BRAINY PUTTY will be on sale this Friday.  $2.00 per bag.  
PPS VERY BRAINY PUTTY comes in your house colours! 

Year 5 Sailing Trip By Mila Srzich Recently year 5 has been fortunate enough to go on a sailing trip. The whole of year 5 walked dow...