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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Every Tuesday, Room 20 have been going to the library. We have been reading a book called 'Demon Dentist' by David Wallliams. A boy named Alfie has been hiding dental notes from his dad, and finally a dentist, Miss Root arrives at his school to see if any of the kids at have bad teeth. Alfie's teeth were wonky and brown from all the sweets and chocolates he has had.  His teeth were so bad that Miss Root wanted to see him.  Miss Root doesn't seem like your normal dentist so Alfie is determined to get away from her.  We can't wait to continue reading this amazing book.

By Seb and Jamie

L to R Hana, Jamie, Seb and Sybilla reading their library books

Jack is reading his book

Chenelle is focusing on her book

L to R Sam, Conan and Cash love reading in the library

Year 5 Sailing Trip By Mila Srzich Recently year 5 has been fortunate enough to go on a sailing trip. The whole of year 5 walked dow...